Friday, December 5, 2008

Letter to the Editor of the Orlando Sentinel

This is a letter that I wrote to the editor of the Orlando Sentinel,

Dear Editor,
First of all I would like to thank you for the time it takes to read every letter that comes across your desk.

My problem in why I am writing you is this, my Constitutional rights were trampled on this 4th of July by the city of Sanford and their police officers. First of all I want to premise by saying I am a veteran of our military and have fought for our rights in this wonderful country of ours. While exercising my freedom of speech at the 4th of July public celebration, we were abruptly stopped by some police officers, who told us to stop immediately. My friends and I are Christians and we made a casket with a mirror in it to show the reality of death, and to use it as a springboard to draw a crowd; nothing draws a crowd like a funeral; to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ from. We gave the stats to show the reality that we are all part of the ";Ultimate Statistic;"; 10 out of 10 die. We talked about how everyday 150,000 people die and face a holy God. We showed through God's law that none of us are good in His sight and our only hope is the grace and mercy of Jesus to save us. When the police stopped us and told us we couldn't preach at all any longer because people said we were threating them. We offered to show the police what was in our casket but they refused to look in it. We told them what we were doing, and they said well people feel threatened. We told them we were just giving the statistics of the reality of death to warn them they never know when it will be their time to face God. They said they didn't care and we couldn't do it any longer. After much time being harassed by the police and our threating the police with civil action for violating our Constitutional rights they reluctantly allowed us to continue preaching without a casket. We weren't causing any trouble and the police totally desecrated our ";Independence";and freedoms. We have video evidence if needed to show exactly what we said and the awful treatment we received from Sanford's finest. I told them that we didn't intend to scare anyone and let them know that any function we hear about on city property where there will be large masses of people we will continue to exercise our rights as citizens of the greatest nation in the world to share the greatest news people will ever hear of a God that loved us so much He sent His wonderful Son to die and to pay the awful price to satisfy God's justice. Thank you for your time and consideration

1 comment:

Robert Houghton said...

First of all im sorry that your rights were violated. It is something that im unfortunately getting used to. On the other hand I love the letter! Its like a gospel tract for the newspaper! Great job!