Friday, December 9, 2011

Christian Celebrities and Tebow Worship

I think in the Body of Christ we have this idea that if someone is a Christian and a celebrity, it some how validates the gospel we are preaching. I remember as a young convert when witnessing I would point out current "Christian" celebrities while witnessing so it would give people the image that if so and so is a Christian, I should be a Christian as well. I remember the story AW Tozer told in his book The Pursuit of God, where he tells the story of the "conversion" of Mickey Cohen, the infamous LA gangster. Mickey Cohen came to "faith" in Christ under a Christian evangelist's message. The message he heard was so and so was a Christian athlete, and so and so is a Christian politician, and this guy is a Christian actor, and Mickey came forward to "receive" Christ. A few weeks later Cohen rejected the message after reading in the bible that he had to leave off his former life to follow Christ. He was quite angry, because he thought with the message he heard, he could be a Christian gangster. 
So we come to Tim Tebow. While I respect his stand for God, the idol worship that is going on inside the body of Christ is absolutely appaling. I have heard of people getting his name tattooed to their bodies. I have seen fans get a Tebow #15 jersey with the name of Jesus on the back. Tebow even appeared in a magazine article under the title, "Does God Have a Tebow Complex?" How absolutely blasphemous! Whether Tebow has repented of appearing in such an article, I do not know, but as far as I know, he has never come out publicly to rebuke such a blasphemous title. If I am wrong, please show me.
Do you remember Evander Holyfield? Everywhere he went, he proclaimed thanks to Jesus, all the while he was having tons of children out of wedlock and through affairs on his wife. Everybody billed the Holyfield v Tyson match as Christianity v Islam. What a sham that proved to be. 
I am sorry folks, but Tim Tebow, Albert Pujols and even Kirk Cameron do not validate the message of the Gospel. Jesus Christ needs no cheerleaders. In heaven there will be no celebrities, only one, Jesus Christ, and his fame will be exalted throughout all eternity. As Christian's we need to exalt Jesus Christ alone, and stop exalting and idolizing fallen men, who will fail. Just because celebrities believe, doesnt give an ounce of credibility to the message. We need to proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and leave famous Christian's to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling.