Thursday, December 4, 2008

Confessions of a False Convert

This is my first official blog and while the writing may be harsh and the tone tough know this is all about what the truth of the Gospel is and what it is not.
For 16 years I thought of myself as a Christian and the truth is I did have some experiences with God, but I can't say with any certainty I had a saving experience with God. I never saw the depth of my sinfulness, of my own depravity, in the light of the absolute holiness of God. I never cried out be merciful to me a sinner. I did not see the King of Glory lifted up and cry out woe is me I am undone.

I came to the Lord, not as Lord of all, but as a modern Gospel presentation that said come to God and you will be happy, healthy and wealthy. It was all about what God wants to do for you, a Divine Butler in the sky here only to meet my needs, and as a 16 year old who had a tough upbringing the promise of happiness really made me excited. I was miserable and the joy promised was more than enough for me to "come just as I am." The excitement of being a Christian never lasted long and every time the "high" left I departed from the faith.

Sin was never hated only the effects of sin, i.e. it made me feel bad. A true love for God that laid down my life was never evident. There was always an escape clause, a way to get out of my "commitment" to the Lord. Don't get me wrong there were things that were better in my life, but there was never an overhaul of darkness to Light. I was just more comfortable in my sins but never saved from them. I was like a man on his death bed and taking pain medicine to ease the suffering, but never taking the pills that may be hard to swallow, that was able to heal me.

I thought the disease was cured in my life. I believed the Gospel. I said the "sinners" prayer many, many times. I was a happier person! I had a smile on my face! But I never came face to face with what the disease was. The disease was not MY happiness. The disease was not MY depression. The disease that separated me from an infinitely Holy and Just and Righteous God was MY extreme sinfulness! My violation of His Holy and Just law. Not only was I criminal in my actions but I enjoyed sinning against God, knowing that I was sinning against God! Not only were my actions wicked but in my heart I was so vile. Murder, adultery and everything wicked from the beginning of time was in my heart. The law of God never stripped me of my self-righteous and prideful heart, to cry like the men of old "what must I do to be saved?"

So how did I learn I was a false convert? I looked at the fruit of my life! A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. I looked and saw all the hypocrisy and wickedness I practiced. I kept on hearing the words of Jesus- Depart from Me I never knew you, you worker of lawlessness. I looked into the law and saw all the wickedness in my life and cried in desperation, oh God have mercy on me. And God forgave me and the pattern of my life is now ongoing holiness. And when I do fail there is no making excuses for my sins but repenting of them quickly.

Now you may be reading this and seeing your own life and now question what is the Gospel? The Gospel isn't about your happiness and your wealth. The Gospel is this we have sinned against an infinitely Holy God. We have violated His laws, the 10 commandments. Look at them and see how wicked you truly are in His sight. The punishment for breaking His laws is hell. God who not only is Holy but Loving at the same time, did not want to send anyone to hell so He sent His only Son to die in our place. The just for the unjust. We broke God's law and He paid our fine in His own blood. He suffered in our place and three days later He was raised from the dead! If you repent(turn from all known sin) and put your faith in Jesus Christ He will forgive you and grant you the gift of eternal life. He will give you a new heart and new desires, you will end up hating sin and loving God. If you refuse you will have to pay for your own crimes against God. It will take all eternity to pay for your crimes. Please take this to heart and repent and believe the Gospel today, you may not have tomorrow. Thank you for your time in reading this.

1 comment:

Will Brannon said...

What a powerful testimony! Praise God! This was very moving and encouraging to read.